Bella Creative is pleased to announce the launch of Chameleon the ultimate choice in changeable portable banner displays that has the ability to alter it's shape, and change it's skin style just like it's counterpart in nature.
Chameleon combines with an integral suite of add on feature components allowing the Chameleon display to evolve from an innovative banner stand into a stand alone Multimedia display, Kiosk or POP display as required.

Feature accessories include a Wide screen 19" LCD display combined with an internal drive that is low voltage, low energy consumption, fully remote controlled and can play movies or slide shows with audio. Additionally there is integral low voltage lighting, product display shelves as well as a range of literature dispensers.
All components are lightweight and of the highest quality making each Chameleon portable and durable. All the different Chameleon displays require no specialist knowledge or tools for rapid self assembly in around six minutes. They vary in size from 32 - 38" wide and are 84" tall. Individual Chameleon displays are lightweight enough that they can be carried into an event by hand.
The Chameleon can be used as a simple but elegantly styled graphic banner stand in any of it's many unique forms or can be designed to suit a custom shape if required. This ability to "blend" into it's surroundings also makes it an ideal solution for those planning larger concept booths.